Since 1994 TASC has been organising Events & Workshops to encourage the use and enjoyment of Folk Music in Mid Wales and the Borders



Philip Freeman is standing down from his role as artistic director of TASC in 2017. It is a role he has carried out since 1994.

What does that mean?
That he will no longer be creating and developing projects in the way he has done for the last 23 years. If TASC is to continue providing events and workshops there needs to be changes.

Will there be a new Artistic Director or Administrator?
TASC would be delighted to see someone else take on the role, but with the withdrawal of Community Development funds from Powys it would have to be unpaid work, initially at least. With a new programme of work, however, it would be possible to secure funding that would include fees for managing projects. Philip is very happy to offer what advice and support he can in making appropriate funding applications and in developing the projects to make them suitable for funding.

Are there any other options than a new Administrator?
TASC would be happy to support individuals and groups doing the sort of projects we've listed on the right of this page.

What will TASC's role be?
Advice, contacts, and general support. That can range from information on grant schemes to lists of suitable performers, from advice on health and safety to use of spreadsheers or PA equipment. We also have the portable studio and camcorder for loan or hire.

What will happen to the website?
We will keep the website maintained for the members as long as membership stays at a level to support the costs, which it currently is. We'd also welcome support and ideas on developing the website to make it most useful to members.

Can TASC's provide funds?
TASC has very little in the way of funds, but the trustees feel that it is better that money is spent on carrying out TASC's objectives than sitting in the bank. However, the money will do more good if it is used as partnership funding or put into projects with some legacy or sustainability.

What sort of work would TASC like to see?
The things we have been doing for almost a quarter of a century - be they events, workshops, experimental projects or new ensembles. A list of some of the things we've done, and the ideas behind them are listed on the right hand column. THe main aim is to provide stimulus and encouragement for those making folk music, song and dance - not information for audiences.

By When?
We want to put a plan for 2017 in place as soon as possible and be in a position to discuss it with the members at our AGM

below: Alistair Anderson and Newcastle Student Band at Seed Weekend in 2005

below: Cast of Lost, Missing or Stolen in 2009

below: Karen Tweed & John Kirkpatrick with a Severn Suite Workshop in 2006


The 23rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Traditional Art Support in the Community (TASC) took place at 8.00pm in the Girls Parlour,Llandinam Village Hall, School Lane, Llandinam on Wednesday 22nd March.

The meeting received the Annual Report and Accounts which had been independently inspected. Philip Freeman stood down, having served three years, and was re-elected. The trustees for 2017-18 are therefore:

  • Pete Damsell
  • Claire Short
  • Claire Weston
  • Philip Freeman

A discussion took place following the AGM about TASC's future activities and an outline of some of the possibilities will be circulated in the near future. See our Home Page for more information.